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The Therapist

Donna Thomas LMT

Donna has lived in Hawaii since 1970 and has been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 1978.

As an administrator and instructor for 10 years with the Honolulu School of Massage, Donna
trained hundreds of Hawaii's massage therapists.

She helped develop the Integrated Medical Services at North Hawaii Community Hospital, providing inpatient, rehab and staff massage services. She has developed nationally-recognized protocols for hospital-based massage therapy, as well as employee massage programs for businesses throughout Hawaii.

Her specialty areas include: orthopedic medical massage for injury rehab, massage for cancer patients, chronic pain conditions, stress management, pregnancy and infant massage.

Donna's three grown sons thrived with massage from infancy to adulthood.

Her leisure time interests include fitness, nutrition, swimming, gardening, reading, bargain shopping, collecting antiques and massaging her cats.